Welcome Rob & Some Rants
I would first off like to welcome my new renter 'Rob in China.' If you like the crack-ass news I dig up, you will love his blog. On his blog right now are photos of Pug dogs dressed up in hot dog buns with mustard and ketschup on their little pug backs. Frickking hilarious! For every news story he also finds appropriate photos. Things like a man urinating into a car gas tank, or panda's mating (yeah I bet you didn't think they did that either). Anyways I really enjoy his blog. I have found myself on more than one occasion laughing my ass off about some random news story that fell through the cracks. He's only here for a limited engagement, so go click on him now!
In other news...
There are 3 recents news bits that have me flaming pissed.
News Bit #1- Eric over at Panic Blog has been getting flak over a news story that I posted. Remember the 18 year old Deaf Miss Texas who got hit by a train and died while text messaging? Go to Eric's blog for the full details, cos the article link doesn't work anymore. Anyways, he remarked that he thought, while sad, that this article was hilarious. It's one of those things you shouldn't laugh at, but you can't help yourself from laughing at. Well some anonymous freak starting rattling about how this was a tragedy, blah blah blah and how Eric is evil. So I have decided to show in a few simple steps why in fact this story is hilarious, because obviously Miss Deaf TX, was not the sharpest crayon in the box.
#1- As a non-deaf person I have always been told to not walk on or near train tracks, because it is extremely dangerous. A deaf person, WHO CAN'T HEAR THE FUCKING TRAIN, I think that sentiment goes double for. She was clearly aware that she was deaf cos she entered a fucking pageant for it!
#2- It's Texas, so why in the hell does a train in Texas have a SNOW PLOW on it? That alone makes this comedy, because the snow plow is what got her!
#3- As an adolescent I naturally threw away the warning that had gotten me to this point in life about railroad tracks and had begun fucking around on railroad tracks. (and just for all of your information, no you cannot derail a train by putting the following items on the tracks: a penny, a dime, a quarter, a nickle, a collection of rocks, a shoe, a really long plastic rod thing that you thought might get caught on the spinnie parts of the train wheel-thing, a construction cone, half a skateboard, Hot Wheels cars, or crushed soda cans. The entire community of Hartland is thankful for this.) When you fuck around on the railroad tracks you notice that a good deal of time before you can see the train, you can feel the vibrations, which tell you 'get the fuck off the tracks idiot!.' Seeing as deaf people naturally have their other senses enhanced (like feel, smell and sight) Deaf-Girl should have felt the rumblings of the train long before the snow plow could be a threat. Had she turned around and seen the train after feeling the rumblings she still would have had plenty of time. Even with an Amcrash you have time to move.
#4 Isn't it dangerous for a deaf girl to be walking the streets? Mostly cos she can't hear if someone is about to attack her, or hit her with a car or train? Why didn't someone get the girl a fucking bicycle, so she could at least ride on the sidewalks and have mirrors to see behind her? Plus she was 18, you can legally drive a car if you are deaf, why didn't she spend some of those pageant earnings on a fucking car?!?!
These factors when added together with text messaging show that 1. She wasn't a bright girl by any means, deaf or not, 2. If it hadn't happened this time, eventually her idiocy would have led to her innevitable death by another equally asinine method. Honestly the only thing that could have made this funnier is if she were Deaf Littlest Miss Texas, and she had been killed by an oncoming pontoon boat. (regardless it is always sad when someone dies, but when it is a Darwin Awards nominee sort of death, you still have to laugh. Also I would like to personally congratulate the first runner up in the Miss Deaf Texas Pageant, I hope your reign as queen will be less deadly)
News Bit #2: Immigration Rights.
Okay people, there are plenty of legal ways to enter this country, and there are ways to legally get citizenship. With this said, WHY WOULD AN ILLEGAL ALIEN DESERVE RIGHTS? Seeing as #1 their presence is ILLEGAL and #2 they are an ALIEN. That's like telling me if I rob a bank I still deserve the right to make a withdrawl from the same bank. BULLSHIT.
Running your pregnant Senorita across the US border when she is ready to pop so she can give birth on US soil and thus produce an American Citizen is Bullshit. That goes for you too China, sending your pregnant women over here to give birth so the baby doesn't get killed in China or worse, in case she is born a girl and fills you with shame, are not excuses either. Join the 21st Century, learn about Human Rights (like the US should talk, but still....).
Now I know, I know, But BEG, who will fill low income crap jobs like hotel maid and fruit picker if we don't let the illegals in and let them stay? How about some actual AMERICANS who are unemployed and living on the poverty mark with 3 kids? I'm pretty sure someone who dropped out of high school freshman year to pursue their life long dream of breeding might welcome a chance to make $7.00 an hour wiping down bathroom sinks. No offense, but I'm pretty sure if LEGAL workers had jobs like that, there would be a natural rise in wages and whatnot because they couldn't just hire someone who can't speak English and who doesn't know how much their check should be for how long they worked.
I live in WI, and because we have some of the most lienient rules regarding illegals we are illegal central. I'm not just talking Mexicans, this has nothing to do with where they come from, because I can guarantee you a good deal of the Hmong up here aren't legal, I doubt some of the Somali's are either. (Some Eastern Europeaners, Russians, East Indians, other Asians and African and South Americans are all guilty also of being illegal, so don't even dare call me racist. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with legal citizenship). Recently they proposed a bill to make it nearly impossible for illegals to get drivers licenses.
I have to admit I was shocked as shit when I learned that apparently, I didn't need that birth certificate and social security number I was required to provide to get my license. Apparently all I need is to stand in the 'non-English' speaking line and smile. Why on earth would any state let illegal immigrants get drivers licenses or state IDs? I mean, that legitimizes them in some way, and makes it easier for them to establish a life here.
Here's the main problem to me. So many illegal immigrants come to the US and unless they are in a major city like NYC or LA they aren't sniffed out. They don't live in fear that they will get sent back or to prison. Deportation isn't threatening when you can just jump the border again.
The resources sucked by illegals are also alarming. Think about it, because they are illegal they don't get health care benefits, when little Sergei breaks his arm, who's paying for it? Legitimate citizens are. Illegals are usually paid in cash, they are not paying taxes, social security, medicare, medicaid, any of it, YET they are drawing resources from the American government. To me this is bullshit.
I am only second generation American. My great grandmother, great grandfather, grandmother and grandfather all came over here on boats. BUT they all came legally. They all had visas, they all applied for citizenship and learned the pledge of allegiance and the history of the US. They came here because they wanted a better life forever, and they wanted their children and grandchildren to have these better lives. But you can't get those better lives if you aren't legal! Teaching your children to live a life beneath the law only creates criminals. I know that there are sucess stories of poverty stricken latinos coming to america and their kids growing up to be six-figure earners. BUT this is the exception and not the standard.
Being an illegal immigrant in this country should be a felony, and it should be mark for immediate deportation. If we can't stop them from coming in the crappy way we've been trying (yeah cos 15 guys can patrol the entire boarder of Texas and Mexico!) then maybe a wall isn't the worst idea ever. We need to keep track of people with work and school and vacation visas to make sure they really do leave when they are supposed to or begin to go through the proper channels to become citizens. Maybe we need a visa patrol who are like probationary officers for people who are not citizens of this country, who check up on them and make sure things are staying on the up and up. Remember if someone had followed up in the expired education visas of the 9/11 hijackers and deported them, 9/11 may not have been, or may not have been as tragic as it was.
News Bit #3 - Freedom of Choice - Dateline: South Dakota
This issue for me will soon be an entire blog post, complete with soapbox jumping and general WTF is wrong with people mentality. Until then there is this:
An Open Letter to the Residents of South Dakota (and Pro-Lifers everywhere):
Before you cast that vote to make ALL abortion illegal in your state even in the event of rape and incest, and only allowing for abortion to be used as a heroic measure to save the life of the mother I ask you to consider the following questions:
1. If you recommend that these women give their children up for adoption, how many babies are you willing to adopt. By babies I mean babies of mixed ethnicities, or who may be of a different ethnicity than yourself who may have AIDS, fetal alcohol poisoning, who may be crack babies, mentally retarded, have birth defects, be prematurely born or otherwise disabled or disadvantaged. I am not talking healthy white babies.
2. Are you willing to dish out the cash to pay for their pre-natal care, and their delivery costs? Prenatal care costs an average of $800 per woman, the average birth costs $2500-$11,000 (to term with prenatal care, higher cost is for ceasarian), BUT the average cost associated with a premature birth, neo-natal care, postnatal problems, birth defects or complicated birth is over $41,000 and can range up to almost half a million dollars.
3. Are you willing to increase your tax base to accomodate the increased strain put on the social services in your state or county. Are you willing to pay more in taxes to cover the local health care clinic, the day care for low-income families, and the costs foster care? Are you willing to have your local middle and high schools have day care centers for students children? Are you willing to pay for the increase in social workers that will be needed, for job training for mothers who could not finish high school, for Mother and Infant Health Clinics? If you think the costs of abortions are high, just wait until you see the real cost of banning abortion.
4. Are you ready to attend the funerals of girls who get back-alley abortions or who go to snake oil doctors in Mexico and other places and die due to hemorraging or infection because they had no access to safe legal care? Are you willing to tell each of their parents that their daughters deserved to die for breaking the law, for doing something that your religion (and not necessarily theirs) says is wrong? That their little girl got what she deserved for being a whore? (even though you probably also don't think that the birth control she could have used to prevent the pregnancy is right either?)
5. Are you willing to tell victims of rape and incest that the crimes committed against them mean nothing? Are you willing to pay for their therapy as they face a life raising the spawn that was made in an act of hate, power and control? Are you willing to tell these women that the crime committed against them is less offensive than the one they may commit in ending the life of a 'child' created from rape? Are you willing to tell a little girl that the in-bred child inside of her because her father raped her is a gift from God? Also if any of you can explain or define to me "simple rape" as mentioned by State Senator Bill Napoli of Rapid City, SD, I would be forever greatful.
If you are willing to do each and everyone of these things, carry the financial burden imposed by increased birth rate, and carry the social burden that will innevitably lead to poverty and increased crime. Then go ahead, vote to uphold the ban. But if you aren't willing to do even one of the things on this list, then you have to vote no, because if you aren't willing to carry the burden, what right do you have to tell a woman what burden to carry.
Sincerely, BEG
BTW: I would like to introduce you all to my hero in all of this abortion madness: the President of the Ogala Sioux Nation Cecelia Fire Thunder. She swears she will find a way for abortion to be offered on tribal lands to all women of South Dakota, even if it means paying for it herself. You can read more about what Fire Thunder Proposes here: Indian Planned Parenthood? She is a hero, and I wish more people had the balls to stand up to a bunch of lazy rich white dudes leading lives of luxury like she is. If you can support her, even if it's just dropping her an email please do so: Fire Thunder Contact info I would like to mention that the Pine-Ridge Reservation is one of the poorest in the country, for the leader of such a people to not only care about doing this for her women, for all the women in her state is a pretty big thing. Wounded Knee took place on this reservation, you can learn more about the conditions of this place to truely understand the poverty and why Ms. Fire Thunders offer is even more meaningful here: Pine Ridge Reservation
Rant over, Now don't you want to go read some silly Chinese news? Click on my renter, and feel the rush of relief!
In other news...
There are 3 recents news bits that have me flaming pissed.
News Bit #1- Eric over at Panic Blog has been getting flak over a news story that I posted. Remember the 18 year old Deaf Miss Texas who got hit by a train and died while text messaging? Go to Eric's blog for the full details, cos the article link doesn't work anymore. Anyways, he remarked that he thought, while sad, that this article was hilarious. It's one of those things you shouldn't laugh at, but you can't help yourself from laughing at. Well some anonymous freak starting rattling about how this was a tragedy, blah blah blah and how Eric is evil. So I have decided to show in a few simple steps why in fact this story is hilarious, because obviously Miss Deaf TX, was not the sharpest crayon in the box.
#1- As a non-deaf person I have always been told to not walk on or near train tracks, because it is extremely dangerous. A deaf person, WHO CAN'T HEAR THE FUCKING TRAIN, I think that sentiment goes double for. She was clearly aware that she was deaf cos she entered a fucking pageant for it!
#2- It's Texas, so why in the hell does a train in Texas have a SNOW PLOW on it? That alone makes this comedy, because the snow plow is what got her!
#3- As an adolescent I naturally threw away the warning that had gotten me to this point in life about railroad tracks and had begun fucking around on railroad tracks. (and just for all of your information, no you cannot derail a train by putting the following items on the tracks: a penny, a dime, a quarter, a nickle, a collection of rocks, a shoe, a really long plastic rod thing that you thought might get caught on the spinnie parts of the train wheel-thing, a construction cone, half a skateboard, Hot Wheels cars, or crushed soda cans. The entire community of Hartland is thankful for this.) When you fuck around on the railroad tracks you notice that a good deal of time before you can see the train, you can feel the vibrations, which tell you 'get the fuck off the tracks idiot!.' Seeing as deaf people naturally have their other senses enhanced (like feel, smell and sight) Deaf-Girl should have felt the rumblings of the train long before the snow plow could be a threat. Had she turned around and seen the train after feeling the rumblings she still would have had plenty of time. Even with an Amcrash you have time to move.
#4 Isn't it dangerous for a deaf girl to be walking the streets? Mostly cos she can't hear if someone is about to attack her, or hit her with a car or train? Why didn't someone get the girl a fucking bicycle, so she could at least ride on the sidewalks and have mirrors to see behind her? Plus she was 18, you can legally drive a car if you are deaf, why didn't she spend some of those pageant earnings on a fucking car?!?!
These factors when added together with text messaging show that 1. She wasn't a bright girl by any means, deaf or not, 2. If it hadn't happened this time, eventually her idiocy would have led to her innevitable death by another equally asinine method. Honestly the only thing that could have made this funnier is if she were Deaf Littlest Miss Texas, and she had been killed by an oncoming pontoon boat. (regardless it is always sad when someone dies, but when it is a Darwin Awards nominee sort of death, you still have to laugh. Also I would like to personally congratulate the first runner up in the Miss Deaf Texas Pageant, I hope your reign as queen will be less deadly)
News Bit #2: Immigration Rights.
Okay people, there are plenty of legal ways to enter this country, and there are ways to legally get citizenship. With this said, WHY WOULD AN ILLEGAL ALIEN DESERVE RIGHTS? Seeing as #1 their presence is ILLEGAL and #2 they are an ALIEN. That's like telling me if I rob a bank I still deserve the right to make a withdrawl from the same bank. BULLSHIT.
Running your pregnant Senorita across the US border when she is ready to pop so she can give birth on US soil and thus produce an American Citizen is Bullshit. That goes for you too China, sending your pregnant women over here to give birth so the baby doesn't get killed in China or worse, in case she is born a girl and fills you with shame, are not excuses either. Join the 21st Century, learn about Human Rights (like the US should talk, but still....).
Now I know, I know, But BEG, who will fill low income crap jobs like hotel maid and fruit picker if we don't let the illegals in and let them stay? How about some actual AMERICANS who are unemployed and living on the poverty mark with 3 kids? I'm pretty sure someone who dropped out of high school freshman year to pursue their life long dream of breeding might welcome a chance to make $7.00 an hour wiping down bathroom sinks. No offense, but I'm pretty sure if LEGAL workers had jobs like that, there would be a natural rise in wages and whatnot because they couldn't just hire someone who can't speak English and who doesn't know how much their check should be for how long they worked.
I live in WI, and because we have some of the most lienient rules regarding illegals we are illegal central. I'm not just talking Mexicans, this has nothing to do with where they come from, because I can guarantee you a good deal of the Hmong up here aren't legal, I doubt some of the Somali's are either. (Some Eastern Europeaners, Russians, East Indians, other Asians and African and South Americans are all guilty also of being illegal, so don't even dare call me racist. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with legal citizenship). Recently they proposed a bill to make it nearly impossible for illegals to get drivers licenses.
I have to admit I was shocked as shit when I learned that apparently, I didn't need that birth certificate and social security number I was required to provide to get my license. Apparently all I need is to stand in the 'non-English' speaking line and smile. Why on earth would any state let illegal immigrants get drivers licenses or state IDs? I mean, that legitimizes them in some way, and makes it easier for them to establish a life here.
Here's the main problem to me. So many illegal immigrants come to the US and unless they are in a major city like NYC or LA they aren't sniffed out. They don't live in fear that they will get sent back or to prison. Deportation isn't threatening when you can just jump the border again.
The resources sucked by illegals are also alarming. Think about it, because they are illegal they don't get health care benefits, when little Sergei breaks his arm, who's paying for it? Legitimate citizens are. Illegals are usually paid in cash, they are not paying taxes, social security, medicare, medicaid, any of it, YET they are drawing resources from the American government. To me this is bullshit.
I am only second generation American. My great grandmother, great grandfather, grandmother and grandfather all came over here on boats. BUT they all came legally. They all had visas, they all applied for citizenship and learned the pledge of allegiance and the history of the US. They came here because they wanted a better life forever, and they wanted their children and grandchildren to have these better lives. But you can't get those better lives if you aren't legal! Teaching your children to live a life beneath the law only creates criminals. I know that there are sucess stories of poverty stricken latinos coming to america and their kids growing up to be six-figure earners. BUT this is the exception and not the standard.
Being an illegal immigrant in this country should be a felony, and it should be mark for immediate deportation. If we can't stop them from coming in the crappy way we've been trying (yeah cos 15 guys can patrol the entire boarder of Texas and Mexico!) then maybe a wall isn't the worst idea ever. We need to keep track of people with work and school and vacation visas to make sure they really do leave when they are supposed to or begin to go through the proper channels to become citizens. Maybe we need a visa patrol who are like probationary officers for people who are not citizens of this country, who check up on them and make sure things are staying on the up and up. Remember if someone had followed up in the expired education visas of the 9/11 hijackers and deported them, 9/11 may not have been, or may not have been as tragic as it was.
News Bit #3 - Freedom of Choice - Dateline: South Dakota
This issue for me will soon be an entire blog post, complete with soapbox jumping and general WTF is wrong with people mentality. Until then there is this:
An Open Letter to the Residents of South Dakota (and Pro-Lifers everywhere):
Before you cast that vote to make ALL abortion illegal in your state even in the event of rape and incest, and only allowing for abortion to be used as a heroic measure to save the life of the mother I ask you to consider the following questions:
1. If you recommend that these women give their children up for adoption, how many babies are you willing to adopt. By babies I mean babies of mixed ethnicities, or who may be of a different ethnicity than yourself who may have AIDS, fetal alcohol poisoning, who may be crack babies, mentally retarded, have birth defects, be prematurely born or otherwise disabled or disadvantaged. I am not talking healthy white babies.
2. Are you willing to dish out the cash to pay for their pre-natal care, and their delivery costs? Prenatal care costs an average of $800 per woman, the average birth costs $2500-$11,000 (to term with prenatal care, higher cost is for ceasarian), BUT the average cost associated with a premature birth, neo-natal care, postnatal problems, birth defects or complicated birth is over $41,000 and can range up to almost half a million dollars.
3. Are you willing to increase your tax base to accomodate the increased strain put on the social services in your state or county. Are you willing to pay more in taxes to cover the local health care clinic, the day care for low-income families, and the costs foster care? Are you willing to have your local middle and high schools have day care centers for students children? Are you willing to pay for the increase in social workers that will be needed, for job training for mothers who could not finish high school, for Mother and Infant Health Clinics? If you think the costs of abortions are high, just wait until you see the real cost of banning abortion.
4. Are you ready to attend the funerals of girls who get back-alley abortions or who go to snake oil doctors in Mexico and other places and die due to hemorraging or infection because they had no access to safe legal care? Are you willing to tell each of their parents that their daughters deserved to die for breaking the law, for doing something that your religion (and not necessarily theirs) says is wrong? That their little girl got what she deserved for being a whore? (even though you probably also don't think that the birth control she could have used to prevent the pregnancy is right either?)
5. Are you willing to tell victims of rape and incest that the crimes committed against them mean nothing? Are you willing to pay for their therapy as they face a life raising the spawn that was made in an act of hate, power and control? Are you willing to tell these women that the crime committed against them is less offensive than the one they may commit in ending the life of a 'child' created from rape? Are you willing to tell a little girl that the in-bred child inside of her because her father raped her is a gift from God? Also if any of you can explain or define to me "simple rape" as mentioned by State Senator Bill Napoli of Rapid City, SD, I would be forever greatful.
If you are willing to do each and everyone of these things, carry the financial burden imposed by increased birth rate, and carry the social burden that will innevitably lead to poverty and increased crime. Then go ahead, vote to uphold the ban. But if you aren't willing to do even one of the things on this list, then you have to vote no, because if you aren't willing to carry the burden, what right do you have to tell a woman what burden to carry.
Sincerely, BEG
BTW: I would like to introduce you all to my hero in all of this abortion madness: the President of the Ogala Sioux Nation Cecelia Fire Thunder. She swears she will find a way for abortion to be offered on tribal lands to all women of South Dakota, even if it means paying for it herself. You can read more about what Fire Thunder Proposes here: Indian Planned Parenthood? She is a hero, and I wish more people had the balls to stand up to a bunch of lazy rich white dudes leading lives of luxury like she is. If you can support her, even if it's just dropping her an email please do so: Fire Thunder Contact info I would like to mention that the Pine-Ridge Reservation is one of the poorest in the country, for the leader of such a people to not only care about doing this for her women, for all the women in her state is a pretty big thing. Wounded Knee took place on this reservation, you can learn more about the conditions of this place to truely understand the poverty and why Ms. Fire Thunders offer is even more meaningful here: Pine Ridge Reservation
Rant over, Now don't you want to go read some silly Chinese news? Click on my renter, and feel the rush of relief!

Votes Of Sympathy:1
I waiting to see if Miss TX makes the Darwin awards, because DAMN.
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